Frequently Asked Questions (& answers)

Q: My child is in Kindergarten (or first, or 2nd grade), and got a very high score on their judging rubric.   Why were they not allowed to advance to the regional festival?

A: The regional festival is open only to students in 3rd-6th grades (Austin Energy sets the rules).

Q: My 2nd grader did an awesome project last year, but didn't get to move on to the regional fair since they weren't in 3rd grade yet.   Can we reuse that project?

A: The science team doesn't track the projects, so you could do that.   BUT, we ask that you at least have them re-try the experiment,  collect additional data, and re-write the sections on the project board to reflect the new learning.   This adds to the scientific validity of the experiment anyway.

Q:  My child scored a 86 last year on their rubric and advanced to regionals last year, but this year scored a 90 and did not advance.   How can that happen?

A:  Every year the science team just lists all the scores the students that year received and pick the highest scores based on the amount we are allowed to send on that year.    In past years, we sent 17 projects on, ranging from percentage scores in the 90's and high 80's.    Every year the amount we can send changes based on the school population, and the rules set by the Austin Energy Regional Science Festival.    This year we will probably be able to send around 14 projects.   We will look at all the scores, and take the top 14 highest scores from that list (that could be all scores in the upper 90's...we won't know until we get scores from the projects).

Q: My child did an awesome project, but did not advance.  What are your suggestions for improvement?

A: The biggest thing everyone can do to help improve the percentage score on the judging rubric is to actually make sure you have every section that is listed on the rubric.   The project could be absolutely great data and interesting findings, but if it doesn't have all of the sections on the board that are on the rubric, it will end up losing points.   The rubrics are on this website- see the "Judging Rubrics" tab on the right side.

Another suggestion: Have your child practice presenting their data to family members and friends. Part of the score is based on the student's understanding of their project.

Q: What are your suggestions for finding a topic for my child's science fair project?

A: There will be a Science Fair Research Night in the library where you can look at some science library books with your child.   Another idea is to ask your child about science topics they are interested in.   (such as space, matter, animals, renewable energy....etc.)

Q:  My child wants to study space, how can we turn that into a science fair project?

A: There are 3 types of science fair projects: collection, experiment,  exhibit.   If they are younger, then making an exhibit showing how the solar system works with gravity, or making a model of how far apart the planets are to scale from the sun would be very appropriate.

If they are younger, try to get your child to do an experiment to actually investigate a question.   If they are interested in space, maybe they could investigate the question: "how does gravity affect a rock on earth vs. the moon?"  They could drop rocks at home to see the affects of gravity here, and then do research to see how it works on the moon.

Q:  Where can we purchase a science fair project board?

A:  They are for sale at hobby stores such as Hobby Lobby and Michael's.  Wal-mart might even carry them at this time of year.   You can also make one out of a large piece of cardboard (see directions below).   We prefer a tri-fold sturdy cardboard project board, so that it can stand up on it's own on a table.   Poster board doesn't stand up well.

According to this handy Instructables website, http://www.instructables.com/id/Science-Fair-Display-Board/
"The standard dimensions of the Science Fair Display Board is 3 feet high by 4 feet wide (36" high x 48"wide). If it is a tri-fold board design, each of the two side panels are 3 feet high by 1 foot wide (36" high x 12" wide). The two sides fold in making the display easy to store and carry."   

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